Title: Daari
Genre: Action Thriller
Description: Two friends travel in their own way to achieve Justice to the common man. This film is dedicated to all unsung heros of India
Lead Actors: Raghava Chaitanya, Arjun Yadav
Supporting Actors: Janaki, Gnana Prakash, Avinash, Veeranjaneyulu, Siva Tejash
Editing & Production: Padmasree Arts
Story, Dialogues, Screenplay, Direction: Gnana Prakash Bellamkonda
Genre: Action Thriller
Description: Two friends travel in their own way to achieve Justice to the common man. This film is dedicated to all unsung heros of India
Lead Actors: Raghava Chaitanya, Arjun Yadav
Supporting Actors: Janaki, Gnana Prakash, Avinash, Veeranjaneyulu, Siva Tejash
Editing & Production: Padmasree Arts
Story, Dialogues, Screenplay, Direction: Gnana Prakash Bellamkonda