The Night Telugu Short film on Cinedairy. The Night shortfilm is directed by Jagadeesh Panda and Munna Pravin.
This shortfilm is set in the Night backdrop, featuring Devi Prasad and MBA Ali.
Plot -
This short film is a suspense thriller about an unidentified man who is on a killing spree.
DOP and Editing: Karun KK
Produced by: MJ creations, 4th Monkey Creatives
Concept, Direction BY Munna Pravin,Jagadeesh Panda
This shortfilm is set in the Night backdrop, featuring Devi Prasad and MBA Ali.
Plot -
This short film is a suspense thriller about an unidentified man who is on a killing spree.
DOP and Editing: Karun KK
Produced by: MJ creations, 4th Monkey Creatives
Concept, Direction BY Munna Pravin,Jagadeesh Panda