Tuesday, September 29, 2015

'Soggadi Interview' Latest Telugu Comedy Short Film 2015 by Swaroop King

'Soggadi Interview' is the Latest Telugu comedy Short Film 2015. Niharika asks her boyfriend Pasu, to meet her father and iMpress him. A tense Pasu goes to their home to meet her father, and he doesnt expect whats in store for him. The film is a hilarious account of how the interviewer sadistically tortured Pasu with his ridiculous questions. This is a film based on dialogue comedy, which is helped by lovable acting.
Concept - Direction: Swaroop King
Music : Mahi Madhan
Camera - Editing : Yatesh Kumar
Cast: Narendra Bhupathi, Swaroop

'Soggadi Interview' Latest Telugu Comedy Short Film 2015 by Swaroop King