'Soggadi Interview' is the Latest Telugu comedy Short Film 2015. Niharika asks her boyfriend Pasu, to meet her father and iMpress him. A tense Pasu goes to their home to meet her father, and he doesnt expect whats in store for him. The film is a hilarious account of how the interviewer sadistically tortured Pasu with his ridiculous questions. This is a film based on dialogue comedy, which is helped by lovable acting.
Concept - Direction: Swaroop King
Music : Mahi Madhan
Camera - Editing : Yatesh Kumar
Cast: Narendra Bhupathi, Swaroop
Concept - Direction: Swaroop King
Music : Mahi Madhan
Camera - Editing : Yatesh Kumar
Cast: Narendra Bhupathi, Swaroop