Love You Telugu Short Film 2015. Love You is a telugu short film directed by Naaga Cherry. This short film is from CrazyLeoS Creations. Hope you will like this latest telugu short film.
Love You New Telugu short film 2015.
2nd Film From The Love Series
Directed by Naaga Cherry
Cast: Meghana Avasarala, Rag Mikk, Sainath garimella, Neelu Sagar, Hashmi Hutch, SaiKumar Babloo
Song Composed & Mastered by SD Abu
Male Vocals & Female Hummings by SD Abu & Lakshmi
Background Score by Sreekundan & Steven Satish
(Original Music Copyrights belongs to these both)
Addl. Dialogues: Shiva Charan
Dubbing Studios: AnuSudhaa Audio & Video Studio's- Vizag
Dubbing: Vinay PaniGrahi ( Rag Mikk) , Prashanthi sudhakar ( Meghana), Radha Priyanka (Neelu Sagar)
Cinematography: Abhiram (Crazyrams)
Story-Screenplay-Dialogues-Editing-Direction:- Naaga Cherry